The Seafarers. A series of 22 books by various authors, published by Time Life Books 1978. Price each $29.00. Free shipping.

All books are in Very Good condition, hard cover, elegantly bound with gold-embossed spine.

Page numbers vary:  mostly around 180.

Lavishly illustrated, all colour except some historic images. Some maps.

Very deeply-researched and well-written by experts on the particular topic of each book.

The books are relatively heavy so postage is included in the price of each.

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The Armada by Bryce S. Walker

The Atlantic Crossing by Melvin Maddocks

The Dreadnoughts by David Howarth

The East Indiamen by Russell Miller 

The Explorers by Richard Humble

Fighting Sail by A. B. C. Whipple  1 copy

The Frigates by Henry Gruppe  2 copies

The Great Liners by Melvin Maddocks  3 copies

The Luxury Yachts by John Rousmaniere

The Men-of-War by David Howarth

The Northwest Passage by Brendan Lehane  2 copies 

The Pirates by Douglas Botting  

The Racing Yachts by A. B. C. Whipple

The Spanish Main by Peter Wood 2 copies

The U-Boats by Douglas Botting  1 copies

The Venetians by Colin Thubron 

The Vikings by Robert Wernick

The Whalers by A. B. C. Whipple  

The Windjammers by Oliver E. Allen 




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